Authentication of client Ubuntu20 on ActiveDirectory of a nethServer7
Main source:
Assuming that the ActiveDirectory of the NethServer is running properly:
Install following packages on Ubuntu:
# apt-get install realmd ntp adcli sssd libsss-sudo libpam-mount cifs-utils samba-common smbclient krb5-user sssd-tools packagekit
Default Kerberos version 5 realm: => AD.DOMAIN.TLD Kerberos servers for your realm: => Administrative server for your Kerberos realm: =>
# realm discover ad.domain.tld type: kerberos realm-name: AD.DOMAIN.TLD domain-name: ad.domain.tld configured: no server-software: active-directory client-software: sssd required-package: sssd-tools required-package: sssd required-package: libnss-sss required-package: libpam-sss required-package: adcli required-package: samba-common-bin
# realm -v join -U administrator #### and enter the password of "admin" of the NethServer
# realm list ad.domain.tld type: kerberos realm-name: AD.DOMAIN.TLD domain-name: ad.domain.tld configured: kerberos-member server-software: active-directory client-software: sssd required-package: sssd-tools required-package: sssd required-package: libnss-sss required-package: libpam-sss required-package: adcli required-package: samba-common-bin login-formats: %U@ad.domain.tld login-policy: allow-realm-logins
Modidy the conf file of sssd:
# nano /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and modify following: "default_shell" => "override_shell" "fallback_homedir = /home/%u@%d" => "override_homedir = /home/%u" "use_fully_qualified_names = True" => "use_fully_qualified_names = False" add at the end: "access_provider = permit"
# systemctl restart sssd # systemctl status sssd followinf message seem to be "normal": tkey query failed: GSSAPI error: Major = Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information, Minor = Server not found in Kerberos database. # systemctl enable sssd
For the create of the /home folder:
# pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir
With greeter “lightdm” (e.g. for Xubuntu) ⇒ nothing to do. The login via GUI works.
Fine tuning: create /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/00-hide-user-list.conf and insert:
[SeatDefaults] greeter-hide-users=true greeter-show-manual-login=true allow-guest=false
Auto mount of distant folders:
# apt-get install nfs-common
if access of nfs-shares is needed.
<!– Volume definitions –>
. Don't forget to adjust <mntoptions>
at the end of the file. <volume fstype="cifs" server="samba-host.domain.tld" path="the_share" mountpoint="/media/samba-host/shared_folder1" user="*" options="rw,auto,iocharset=utf8" />
<volume fstype="cifs" server="samba-host.domain.tld" path="%(DOMAIN_USER)" mountpoint="/media/samba-host/home_%(DOMAIN_USER)" user="*" options="rw,auto,iocharset=utf8" />
<volume fstype="nfs" server="nfs-host.domain.tld" path="/the/path/of/the/shared/folder" mountpoint="/media/nfs-host/nfs_shared_folder1" user="*" options="rw" />
<!-- pam_mount parameters: Volume-related --> <mkmountpoint enable="1" remove="true" />
and /media/nfs-host
must be created by hand and get chmod 777
The logout doesn't unmout the shares automatically mounted at login ⇒ the next user can access them inspite he doesn't have the needed permissions.
In order to avoid this:
session-cleanup-script = /etc/lxdm/
and insert in it: #!/bin/bash umount /media/samba-host/* exit 0
sudo chmod 774 /etc/lxdm/ sudo chown root:root /etc/lxdm/
# nano /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default ### and add into it: umount /media/samba-host/*