Table des matières

Get Desktop menus for custom applications:

A “desktop” file is necessary for it.

Storage of the desktop file:

The desktop file:

A desktop file contents following:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=name of the application
Name[fr_FR]=name of the application in the foreign language
Comment=comment about the application 
Comment[fr]=comment about the application in the foreign language

Activer une touche "compose" perso

Sous paramètresclaviersaisie il est possible d'activer la touche compose. Malheureusement seules les touches proposées peuvent être sélectionnées à cet effet. Voici comment activer une autre touche:

⇒ Résultats:
- mon script est visible dans le menu des applications
- mon script fonctionne quand je le lance depuis le menu des applications
- dans l'utilitaire tweak je peux le sélectionner pour un démarrage automatique

Vérifier que l'entrée .desktop est présente dans /home/tonuser/.config/autostart/, l'ajouter le cas échéant.

Disable auto-lock of the screen

Even if the auto-lock of the screen is disabled by the parameters of the screen saver, the screen get locked after inactivity.
To disable this: got to parametersconfidenciuality and disable the lock of the screen.

Get the full path in Nautilus

Target: get the full path of the files (/folder/sub-folder/file) in the bar of nautilus.


Extensions Gnome


For extensions about the system monitoring on my “KCN”-PC:

# dnf install NetworkManager-glib-devel libgtop2-devel

Nextcloud and gnome-keyring

To make the client Nextcloud able to store the passwords into the gnome-keyring, make sure that boths rpms libgnome-keyring and gnome-keyring are instaled.

Get icons on Desktop by Gnome 3.28

I prefer put the desktop file into /usr/shrare/applications/ and give each user the possibility to activate it via gnome-tweak ⇒ autostart:

Screen saver

# dnf install xscreensaver 
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