Table des matières


Configuration of my Fedora23 XFCE

Authentication on the SME-server

Authentication client Fedora on SME-server via sssd ldap

SSH connection to the SME and mounting the SME on the Fedora

Connection SSH of the Fedora 22 from the SME

Installation of supplementary repositories:

Small settings


Midori, instead of Firefox, can't manage the certificates. Therefore, the management system of Gnome for the certificates as to be enabled:
Applications–>Parameters–>Session and start
Then go to advanced and tick on “enable GNOME services by start”

Icons for shortcuts on the desktop

are here


Add general packages

sudo dnf install dia xsane gimp numlockx wget gvfs-smb darktable gvfs-mtp xscreensaver unetbootin

Install libre-office

sudo dnf install libreoffice-calc libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress libreoffice-langpack-fr libreoffice-writer 


Enable rc.local

Enable the Wake-on-Lan

Don't forget to configure the Bios to support the WOL too!!

Enable automatically the numeric pad

Use and configure numlockx:

Installation of the polices M$: «msttcorefonts»:

Download follwing rpm and install localy:

sudo dnf install msttcorefonts-2.5-2.fc23.noarch.rpm  

Installation of a Flash-player:

sudo rpm -ivh 
sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux 
sudo dnf install flash-plugin 

Wallpapers on the desktop

Wallpapers on desktop:


for my HP printer:

 sudo dnf install hplip-gui system-config-printer 

hplip-gui seems to be necessary to allow Xsane to detect the scanner (USB pluged).

Email / Calendar / Adress book

I wanted to have clients for emails, calendar (calDAV) and address-book (cardDAV). It must not be a all-in-one solution.
The only not-too-bad solution I found is called “Evolution”. It can natively do all these jobs without any plugin.

 sudo dnf remove claws-mail
sudo dnf install evolution 

Installation of ownCloud

 sudo dnf install owncloud-client 

Enable backups by BackupPC of the SME

To make backups possible, the user “backuppc” of the SME must be able to connect via ssh to this client Fedora without entering any password. Therefore the user “backuppc” must have a private ssh-key without passphrase and the public key must be send to the client Fedora.
On the SME-server:

u -s /bin/bash backuppc                                                   # to login with the user backuppc 
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048                                                 # without passphrase
ssh-copy-id -i ~backuppc/.ssh/ root@ip_of_the_client_Fedora     # to send the public key

## Test: ##
ssh -l root@ip_of_the_client_Fedora                                       # a connexion without entering password should be working
exit                                                                      # to close the connexion to fedora
exit                                                                      # to logout the user backuppc 

Upgrading Fedora22 --> Fedora23


per default, the gnome-keyring is not unlocked at the login and its password has to be entered by hand for each login.

Solution: ?????

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