**Installation of CT NethServer from a CT Centos7** ====== Install the Centos7 container ====== Nothing particular. \\ As container name, set "name.domain.tld" ====== Install NethServer ====== Source: https://docs.nethserver.org/en/v7/installation.html # yum install -y http://mirror.nethserver.org/nethserver/nethserver-release-7.rpm # nethserver-install ====== Get it working ====== ===== Fixing the network issue ===== After the installation of NethServer, the network configuration of the CT is "gone" and need to be reconfigured. Test a ping!\\ From the console of the CT NethServer (adapt the IP and the network to yours!): # db networks set eth0 ethernet role green ipaddr netmask network onboot yes bootproto static # signal-event interface-update ===== Fixing service chronyd ===== Source: https://community.nethserver.org/t/chronyd-does-not-start/9946/3 \\ >My guess is that chrony does not work in a lxc container because date and time are handled by the hypervisor. => service stays disabled.