{{howhard>2}} ====== Setup for Dokuwiki: ====== ===== Sidebar with tree: ===== - Add the plugin (administration –> plugins management –> search and install) ''Indexmenu Plugin'' (of Samuele Tognini). - create a page named "sidebar". This will activate the sidebar that is already present by default. - In this page "sidebar", enter ''{{indexmenu>accueil_welcome#1|js navbar }}'' as content (adapt the name of your folder!). ===== Increase the brightness of the side: ===== Go to administration –> parameters of template –> brightness of the page (130em) and brightness of the sidebar (25). ===== Enable pages names with capital letters ===== In a console of the Nethserver: edit ''/usr/share/dokuwiki/inc/pageutils.php'' and comment out the line ''$id=utf8_strtolower($id);'' with /* and */ # cd /usr/share/dokuwiki/inc/ # cp pageutils.php pageutils.php.orig # nano pageutils.php ===== Enable the "spaces" in the pages names ===== In a console of the Nethserver: edit ''/usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/extra.class.php'' and add a "space" (=blank) between the "." and the " ' " in ''$str = '_-.';'' in the ''function __construct($key,$param=null)'' (a few lines after "Class setting_sepchar"): # cd /usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/ # cp extra.class.php extra.class.php.orig # nano extra.class.php --> $str = '_-. '; In Dokuwiki, login as admin and go to "administration" –> "parameters" and search for "sepchar". Then choose the space (" ") instead of the "_". ===== Backup ===== Don't forget to backup ''/etc/dokuwiki'', ''/var/lib/dokuwiki'', ''/usr/share/dokuwiki/inc/pageutils.php'' and ''/usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/extra.class.php'' After the restore of a backup, all pages with a name that includes blanks or capital letters will be ignored if the both last files aren't restored too! ===== Update ===== After an update of dokuwiki by updating the module(nethserver-dokuwiki), the above described settings about the "spaces" and the capital letters into the page names must be redone (because updating the rpm over-write the files). \\ The plugin for the index menu (see 1.) must be re-installed. Before updating the rpm nethserver-docuwiki, make sure that this described settings works with the new version of the rpm! \\ Otherwise you will get a dokuwiki without the menu and without the pages with names including capital letters and "spaces"!!