**Resizing a VM NethServer7 hosted by Proxmox** \\ {{howhard>2}}
The VM NethServer has been created by a "stock" installation with only 1 disk!
====== Proxmox ======
* Stop the VM and make a backup of it.
* Increase the space of the hard drive of the VM.
* Load the ISO of [[http://www.system-rescue-cd.org/Download/|SystemRescueCD]] into the Proxmox and give it as CD/DVD drive of the VM.
====== SystemRescueCD ======
* Start the VM and select the drive of SystemRescueCD as a boot drive
* ''startx'' to start the GUI
* Start gparded, find the right partition (dev/sda2 for me) and grow it
* Reboot
====== NethServer ======
* Proceed a normal start of the VM
* ''# pvdisplay'' to find the physical volume to grow (/dev/vda2 for me)
* # pvresize /dev/vda2
* ''# lvdisplay'' to find the logical volume to grow (/dev/VolGroup/lv_root for me)
* # lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup/lv_root
* grow the XFS files system # xfs_growfs /dev/VolGroup/lv_root
(''resize2fs'' doesn't work because of the XFS files system)