**A little knowledge for configuring Samba-shares by hand** {{howhard>4}} \\ ====== Installation ====== On Ubuntu 20: # apt-get install samba ====== Settings ====== ===== /etc/samba/smb.conf ===== Good information: http://linux-training.be/networking/ch21.html \\ ==== General settings ==== Let more or less as it is for a simple file sharing. ==== Sahres ==== ===== Management of users and groups ===== ==== General ==== * Samba needs "own" users * But the user must exist in linux before creating the corresponding samba-user. * By removing is the same way but in the other direction: first remove the samba-user and then the unix-user * The passwords for unix and samba can be different but setting the same make the life easier (!) * Even if setting into ''etc/samba/smb.conf'', the sync of the users between unix and samba seems not to work => disable the sync into ''/etc/samba/smb.conf'' and sync by hand with the CLI ==== Some important commands ==== [[welcome:linux_usually:small_tricks#users_and_groups|Small tricks]] https://wiki.guedel.eu/doku.php?id=welcome:linux_usually:small_tricks#users_and_groups * restart samba server # systemctl restart smbd * test config of ''/etc/samba/smb.conf'' # testparm * list the unix groups # cat /etc/groups * remove a user from a group # gpasswd -d username groupname * add a user into a group # usermod -a -G groupname username * list groups from a user # groups username * list users # cat /etc/passwd * remove the unix-user # deluser username * remove the samba-user # smbpasswd -x username * create or change password of a samba-user # smbpasswd -a username * create a unix-user # adduser username * list the samba-users # pdbedit -L -v * list UID and GUI of a user id username * add a group a set its gid # addgroup group_name --gid the_gid * add an user a set its uid # adduser user_name --uid the_uid * check if samba runs # systemctl status smbd nmbd * get information about samab running # smbstatus ====== Shared folders ====== Permissions: