{{howhard>2}}====== Error occurs by browsing the archives ====== By Fedora 23, an error occurs by browsing the archives: [[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1290964]] The solution is given [[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1259481|here]] and [[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=1104083&action=diff|the rdiff]]: edit /usr/share/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/CGI/Browse.pm and put into: #============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # BackupPC::CGI::Browse package # # DESCRIPTION # # This module implements the Browse action for the CGI interface. # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 3.3.1, released 11 Jan 2015. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== package BackupPC::CGI::Browse; use strict; use Encode qw/decode_utf8/; use BackupPC::CGI::Lib qw(:all); use BackupPC::View; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); sub action { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my($i, $dirStr, $fileStr, $attr); my $checkBoxCnt = 0; if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_browse_backup_files}}")); } my $host = $In{host}; my $num = $In{num}; my $share = $In{share}; my $dir = $In{dir}; ErrorExit($Lang->{Empty_host_name}) if ( $host eq "" ); # # Find the requested backup and the previous filled backup # my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); # # default to the newest backup # #if ( !defined($In{num}) && defined(@Backups) && @Backups > 0 ) { if ( !$In{num} && @Backups > 0 ) { $i = @Backups - 1; $num = $Backups[$i]{num}; } for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { last if ( $Backups[$i]{num} == $num ); } if ( $i >= @Backups || $num !~ /^\d+$/ ) { ErrorExit("Backup number ${EscHTML($num)} for host ${EscHTML($host)} does" . " not exist."); } my $backupTime = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime}); my $backupAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$i]{startTime}) / (24 * 3600)); my $view = BackupPC::View->new($bpc, $host, \@Backups, {nlink => 1}); if ( $dir eq "" || $dir eq "." || $dir eq ".." ) { $attr = $view->dirAttrib($num, "", ""); if ( keys(%$attr) > 0 ) { $share = (sort(keys(%$attr)))[0]; $dir = '/'; } else { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Directory___EscHTML}}")); } } $dir = "/$dir" if ( $dir !~ /^\// ); my $relDir = $dir; my $currDir = undef; if ( $dir =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{Nice_try__but_you_can_t_put}); } # # Loop up the directory tree until we hit the top. # my(@DirStrPrev); while ( 1 ) { my($fLast, $fLastum, @DirStr); $attr = $view->dirAttrib($num, $share, $relDir); # if ( !defined($attr) ) { if ( !$attr ) { $relDir = decode_utf8($relDir); ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Can_t_browse_bad_directory_name2}}")); } my $fileCnt = 0; # file counter $fLast = $dirStr = ""; # # Loop over each of the files in this directory # foreach my $f ( sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%$attr) ) { my($dirOpen, $gotDir, $imgStr, $img, $path); my $fURI = $f; # URI escaped $f my $shareURI = $share; # URI escaped $share if ( $relDir eq "" ) { $path = "/$f"; } else { ($path = "$relDir/$f") =~ s{//+}{/}g; } if ( $shareURI eq "" ) { $shareURI = $f; $path = "/"; } $path =~ s{^/+}{/}; $path =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; $fURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; $shareURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; # $dirOpen = 1 if ( defined($currDir) && $f eq $currDir ); $dirOpen = 1 if ( $currDir && $f eq $currDir ); if ( $attr->{$f}{type} == BPC_FTYPE_DIR ) { # # Display directory if it exists in current backup. # First find out if there are subdirs # my $tdStyle; my $linkStyle = "fview"; $img |= 1 << 6; $img |= 1 << 5 if ( $attr->{$f}{nlink} > 2 ); if ( $dirOpen ) { $linkStyle = "fviewbold"; $img |= 1 << 2; $img |= 1 << 3 if ( $attr->{$f}{nlink} > 2 ); } my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img); $imgStr = ""; if ( "$relDir/$f" eq $dir ) { $tdStyle = "fviewon"; } else { $tdStyle = "fviewoff"; } my $dirName = $f; $dirName =~ s/ / /g; $dirName = decode_utf8($dirName); push(@DirStr, {needTick => 1, tdArgs => " class=\"$tdStyle\"", link => <$imgStr $dirName EOF $fileCnt++; $gotDir = 1; if ( $dirOpen ) { my($lastTick, $doneLastTick); foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $lastTick = $d if ( $d->{needTick} ); } # $doneLastTick = 1 if ( !defined($lastTick) ); $doneLastTick = 1 if ( !$lastTick ); foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $img = 0; if ( $d->{needTick} ) { $img |= 1 << 0; } if ( $d == $lastTick ) { $img |= 1 << 4; $doneLastTick = 1; } elsif ( !$doneLastTick ) { $img |= 1 << 3 | 1 << 4; } my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img); $imgStr = ""; push(@DirStr, {needTick => 0, tdArgs => $d->{tdArgs}, link => $imgStr . $d->{link} }); } } } if ( $relDir eq $dir ) { # # This is the selected directory, so display all the files # my ($attrStr, $iconStr); # if ( defined($a = $attr->{$f}) ) { if ( $a = $attr->{$f} ) { my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp($a->{mtime}); # UGH -> fix this my $typeStr = BackupPC::Attrib::fileType2Text(undef, $a->{type}); my $modeStr = sprintf("0%o", $a->{mode} & 07777); $iconStr = < EOF $attrStr .= <$typeStr $modeStr $a->{backupNum} $a->{size} $mtimeStr EOF } else { $attrStr .= " \n"; } (my $fDisp = "${EscHTML($f)}") =~ s/ / /g; $fDisp = decode_utf8($fDisp); if ( $gotDir ) { $fileStr .= <  $iconStr $fDisp $attrStr EOF } else { $fileStr .= <  $iconStr $fDisp $attrStr EOF } $checkBoxCnt++; } } @DirStrPrev = @DirStr; last if ( $relDir eq "" && $share eq "" ); # # Prune the last directory off $relDir, or at the very end # do the top-level directory. # if ( $relDir eq "" || $relDir eq "/" || $relDir !~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ ) { $currDir = $share; $share = ""; $relDir = ""; } else { $relDir = $1; $currDir = $2; } } $share = $currDir; my $shareURI = $share; $shareURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg; # # allow each level of the directory path to be navigated to # my($thisPath, $dirDisplay); my $dirClean = $dir; $dirClean =~ s{//+}{/}g; $dirClean =~ s{/+$}{}; my @dirElts = split(/\//, $dirClean); @dirElts = ("/") if ( !@dirElts ); foreach my $d ( @dirElts ) { my($thisDir); if ( $thisPath eq "" ) { $thisDir = decode_utf8($share); $thisPath = "/"; } else { $thisPath .= "/" if ( $thisPath ne "/" ); $thisPath .= "$d"; $thisDir = decode_utf8($d); } my $thisPathURI = $thisPath; $thisPathURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg; $dirDisplay .= "/" if ( $dirDisplay ne "" ); $dirDisplay .= "${EscHTML($thisDir)}"; } my $filledBackup; if ( (my @mergeNums = @{$view->mergeNums}) > 1 ) { shift(@mergeNums); my $numF = join(", #", @mergeNums); $filledBackup = eval("qq{$Lang->{This_display_is_merged_with_backup}}"); } foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $dirStr .= "{tdArgs}>$d->{link}\n"; } ### hide checkall button if there are no files my ($topCheckAll, $checkAll, $fileHeader); if ( $fileStr ) { $fileHeader = eval("qq{$Lang->{fileHeader}}"); $checkAll = $Lang->{checkAll}; # and put a checkall box on top if there are at least 20 files if ( $checkBoxCnt >= 20 ) { $topCheckAll = $checkAll; $topCheckAll =~ s{allFiles}{allFilestop}g; } } else { $fileStr = eval("qq{$Lang->{The_directory_is_empty}}"); } my $pathURI = $dir; $pathURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg; if ( my @otherDirs = $view->backupList($share, $dir) ) { my $otherDirs; foreach my $i ( @otherDirs ) { my $selected; my $showDate = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime}); my $backupNum = $Backups[$i]{num}; $selected = " selected" if ( $backupNum == $num ); $otherDirs .= "\n"; } $filledBackup .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Visit_this_directory_in_backup}}"); } $dir = decode_utf8($dir); $share = decode_utf8($share); my $content = eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_browse_for__host}}"); Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Browse_backup__num_for__host}}"), $content); Trailer(); } 1;