====== Get Desktop menus for custom applications: ======
A "desktop" file is necessary for it.
===== Storage of the desktop file: =====
* into the folder ''/usr/share/applications'' if the entry should be displayed for every user
* into the folder ''~/local/share/applications'' if the application is only available for 1 user
===== The desktop file: =====
A desktop file contents following:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=name of the application
Name[fr_FR]=name of the application in the foreign language
Comment=comment about the application
Comment[fr]=comment about the application in the foreign language
* to get the "right" category: have a look into existing desktop files of applications of the category that you want to choose
* ''/usr/share/icons/oxygen/base/32x32/'' is a folder that contains a lot of good icons
====== Activer une touche "compose" perso ======
Sous ''paramètres'' => ''clavier'' => ''saisie'' il est possible d'activer la touche compose.
Malheureusement seules les touches proposées peuvent être sélectionnées à cet effet. Voici comment activer une autre touche:
* créer dans ''~/scripts'' un script qui "xmodmap" en se référençant à ''~.xmodmap''
sleep 15 && xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
exit 0;
La tempo est nécessaire pour que le xmodmap soit lancé après l'ouverture complète de la session (voir [[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873656#c16|Commentaire #16]])
* avec la commande ''xev'' et en appuyant sur la touche à assigner pour la repérer: c'est la ''kexcode XX''
* créer un fichier ''~.xmodmaprc'' qui désigne la touche
keycode 64 = Multi_key
* créer dans ''/usr/share/application'' l'entrée ''.desktop'' qui pointe sur le script:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=activation touche compose
Name[fr]=activation touche compose
Comment=activation touche compose
Comment[fr]=activation touche compose
=> Résultats: \\
- mon script est visible dans le menu des applications \\
- mon script fonctionne quand je le lance depuis le menu des applications \\
- dans l'utilitaire ''tweak'' je peux le sélectionner pour un démarrage automatique
Vérifier que l'entrée ''.desktop'' est présente dans ''/home/tonuser/.config/autostart/'', l'ajouter le cas échéant.
====== Disable auto-lock of the screen ======
Even if the auto-lock of the screen is disabled by the parameters of the screen saver, the screen get locked after inactivity. \\
To disable this: got to ''parameters'' => ''confidenciuality'' and disable the lock of the screen.
====== Get the full path in Nautilus ======
Target: get the full path of the files (/folder/sub-folder/file) in the bar of nautilus. \\
* only 1 time: Simply press ''Strg'' and ''l'' \\ To return to the original breadcrumb view, make sure that the editable text area has the focus then press the ''Esc'' key. \\ \\
* To make it permanent type: gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true
====== Extensions Gnome ======
[[https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShellIntegrationForChrome/Installation|Source]] \\
* install the module ''gnome-shell-integration'' into firefox (modules => extensions)
* install the second part of the module:
# dnf copr enable region51/chrome-gnome-shell
# dnf install chrome-gnome-shell
For extensions about the system monitoring on my "KCN"-PC:
# dnf install NetworkManager-glib-devel libgtop2-devel
====== Nextcloud and gnome-keyring ======
To make the client Nextcloud able to store the passwords into the gnome-keyring, make sure that boths rpms ''libgnome-keyring'' and ''gnome-keyring'' are instaled.
====== Get icons on Desktop by Gnome 3.28 ======
Source: https://blog.drsolly.com/2018/05/upgrading-to-fedora-28.html \\
I prefer put the desktop file into /usr/shrare/applications/ and give each user the possibility to activate it via gnome-tweak => autostart:
* # dnf install nemo
* # nano /usr/share/applications/activation_nemo_AG.desktop
* and enter in it: [Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start Nemo desktop at log in
AutostartCondition=GSettings org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons
* the activation should be visible into the menu of applications
* select for autostart via gnome-tweak
====== Screen saver ======
# dnf install xscreensaver