**Installation and configuration of Fedora23/24/25 LXDE**
====== Installation ======
Taking the ISO netinstall, select "fedora-LXDE" (left panel) without any other option (right panel).
====== Installation of supplementary repositories: ======
*Installation of both free and non-free repos of RPMFusion:
su -c 'dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm \
http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm'
====== Configuration ======
===== ssh =====
* [[Welcome:Duo client-server:Connection SSH Fedora 22 - SME|Connection SSH of the Fedora > 22 from the SME]]
* At least service sshd start
service sshd enable
* sshfs dnf install fuse-sshfs
*an outgoing connection ssh with keys and passphrase is possible, via a terminal or via a shortcut (popup opens to ask passphrase as openssh-askpass is already installed)
===== LXDE session manager =====
==== Authentication via sssd on SME-server ====
[[Welcome:Duo client-server:Authentication client Fedora on SME-server via sssd ldap|Authentication client Fedora on SME-server via sssd ldap]]
==== Unmout by logout ====
The logout doesn't unmout the shares automatically mounted at login => the next user can access them inspite he doesn't have the needed permissions. \\
In order to avoid this:
* add at the end of ''/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf''
session-cleanup-script = /etc/lxdm/post-session.sh
* create ''/etc/lxdm/post-session.sh'' and insert in it:
umount /media/sme/*
exit 0
* give the needed permissions:
sudo chmod 774 /etc/lxdm/post-session.sh
sudo chown root:root /etc/lxdm/post-session.sh
==== General settings ====
*disable the displaying of the list of all users in the display manager (LXDM): in /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf set disable=1[userlist]
## if disable the user list control at greeter
* numlock. dnf install numlockx \\ in ''/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf'' uncomment and set ''numlock=1''
===== LXDE gui =====
* create shortcuts on the desktop: lxshortcut -o ~/Desktop/my_shorcut.desktop
and give the parameters
* create shortcuts to the /home folder on the desktop: ln -s /home/e-smith/files/users/toto /home/e-smith/files/users/toto/Bureau/toto-rep-local
==== Languages of the sessions ====
Go to ''administration'' => ''Languages'' and select the language to be installed. \\ The langage is then available into the sessions manager for login.
==== Sélectionner et activer une touche "compose" ====
et appuyer sur la touche à assigner pour la repérer: c'est la ''keycode XX'' \\
Dans le ’’home’’ de l'utilisateur créer un fichier ''.xmodmaprc'' contenant:
keycode 64 = Multi_key
Dans ''/usr/share/applications'' entrer le script:
/usr/bin/xmodmap /home/mon_utilisateur/.xmodmaprc
exit 0;
et lui donner les permissions d'exécution via un ''chmod +x'' \\
Dans ''/home/mon_utilisateur/.config/autostart'' créer un fichier ''activation_touche_compose.desktop'' qui contient:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=activation touche compose
Name[fr]=activation touche compose
Comment=activation touche compose
Comment[fr]=activation touche compose
Aller dans ''préférences'' => ''Paramètres de la session de bureau'' et vérifier que l'entrée dans ''Applications démarrées automatiquement'' est activée avant de relancer la session.
==== Printing / Scanning ====
* dnf install system-config-printer cups
* see [[Welcome:Fedora:Printer Canon MX925|Printer Canon MX925]] too
==== Evolution (emails)====
Keyring: the passwords of the account are automatically stored into the keyring. \\ A password for the keyring must be set. \\ At the next login the user is asked to enter the password of the keyring and if th keyring should be unlocked automatically at the login. \\ After ticking the box, it is not asked for the keyring password at the enxt sessions and Evolution can be run without entering the password.
==== Midori ====
* sudo dnf install modori
* Remember the exceptions for certificates: preferences => Parameters for the session => Applications auto-started => tick "storage of certificates and keys"
===== Run a script as autostart by session opening #/# script for a slideshow as a wallpaper =====
This is a draft and doesn't work properly. \\ If you know how to improve it, please mail me!
==== script ====
Put following into /usr/my_scripts/the_script.sh with permission for execution:
pid=$(ps xc |grep lxsession |awk ' { print $1 }')
while [ $(ps xc |grep lxsession |awk ' { print $1 }') == "$pid" ]; do
file=$(find "$folder" -maxdepth 1 -type f |shuf |head -n 1)
pcmanfm -w "$file" --wallpaper-mode=stretch
sleep "$sleepTime"
==== .desktop file ====
put following into **/usr/share/applications/WPSlideShow.desktop**
[Desktop Entry]
==== autostart ====
Go to ''preferences'' => ''Parameters of the session'' and tick on the script.